Continuing with our expose, hotheads and imposters run rampant in the Republican party candidates. Michelle Bachmann is true to her Arian (Aryan!) roots with an aggressive Mercury/Sun in Aries combination, amplified by fighting Mars in Capricorn. She's used to competing with men and the patriarchy, even tho, with her ruling planet in Capricorn, she IS part of the establishment herself. Uranus in late Cancer in her solar 12st house close to the Ascendent, explains her erratic behavior and reactionary war against homosexuality. However in a case of the pot calling the kettle black, her chart possesses a Uranus opposing Mars aspect. Among other things, this can be interpreted as having an unorthodox sexuality or sleeping with a gay man.
Along with Aquarius on the solar 7th house cusp and Uranus on the Ascendent, Mars/Uranus would corroborates the rumors concerning her husband's sexuality and these signatures may actually also mask the fact that she herself is "in the closet" (Venus in Gemini, love of her sisters). Her Aquarius Moon in the 8th
( ruling that 12th house of secrets) could also point to an "unconventional" sex life. (The Moon in Aquarius does also explain adoption of numerous children as Aquarius rules "other people's children). Also, Uranus in Cancer is the unusual family setup. Now before we proceed any further, unlike Marcus Bachmann, I am NOT saying homosexuality is a mental illness, but rather the repression of one's authentic self creates mental and emotional problems. And because astrology has a limited amount of symbols, Uranus and Aquarius tend to be the go-to archetypes when dealing with issues of sexual orientation. Think Mayor Bloomberg and Oprah Winfrey (both Aquarians) and you get the picture.
Additionally, from a metaphysical perspective, those issues that we fight most vociferously are oftentimes the elements that we most despise within ourselves. Hitler and J. Edgar Hoover are just two obvious examples.
Like several of her rivals, she has a nodal axis in the sign of Gemini/Sag (axis of truth and lies) with the South Node falling in the sign of Gemini so old karma around sibling rivalry, loss of a child, misuse of the truth, failure to deliver a message. I think the last hypothesis may be the most accurate in terms of the voracity with with she needs express her reactionary political views. Gemini South node could also point to a fracturing of the mind or personality and this might be due, in her case, to desires to sacrifice oneself to God or to be saintly in some way (Ceres in Pisces). Dreams and hearts can be crushed when faced with the ugly vicissitudes of life.
She is also dual in other ways, particularly in her mental functioning. With Mercury in Aries and Venus in Gemini co-ruling her solar house of the mind and the 12th house of the subconscious, she is divided within herself and has a very short attention span. Mania followed by bouts of depression are probably a common ocurrance. Mercury in Aries is responsible for the manic episodes and rants, and Venus in Saturn results in feeling the blues which follow hearing "no" on a regular basis. And the aforementioned Mars, Mercury, Uranus t-square has her constantly reeling from the alternating desires for status (Mars in Capricorn), shooting her mouth off (Mercury in Aries) and creating the one family rainbow coalition (Uranus in Cancer).
And instead of taking crazy risks with rhetoric, Michelle might do better getting involved in martial arts or drag car racing as those activities would release some tension (and lessen her notorious migraines) and feed her dare devil spirit.
If she and her husband would just come out of the closet themselves and own the success of their alternative household, she would accomplish her soul mission of being a revolutionary and high-minded truth seeker (Aries and Sag North Node) , instead of a low brow hypocrite and superficial panderer of hatred and untruths. She's a fire starter and a rebel and the first myth she could blow up is that of the "normal" Christian family that she has assembled and created over the years. No amount of praying can obscure the truth. Stand loud and proud and gay!
Continuing in the self-righteous tradition we have the self-described true social conservative repeating many old past life tendencies.
This may offend his Catholic sensibilities, but Rick Santorum has a lucky star of David configuration in his chart, connecting all his fire and air planets. This combination of hot air is the primary cause of his incendiary and provocative pronouncements. These planets all pivot into his Saturn in Sagittarius, the symbol of
religious dogmatism. Funny, however, that this symbol generally relates to lifetimes of very oppressive religious conditioning. Previous incarnations could have included birth as a woman living in a strict Muslim sect or a Hassidic wife whose life is circumscribed by rigid patriarchal laws.
He will be dealing with resolving the conflict between true Christian nurturing and rabble rousing for the sake of controversy. With Pluto retrograde ruling his North node, he must learn to use power correctly rather than approach politics from a cynical perspective. Neptune opposing his Pluto (similar to Herman Cain's progressed Sun) would suggest he NOT take himself so seriously and truly let faith enter the picture.
In the thou doth protest too much category, his picture of the marital bliss may actually hide a few skeletons with Venus in Aries in the 12th house of hidden affairs. Despite his depiction of the perfect family man, there are likely to be issues in his marriage due to a a propensity to stray or fall in love out of the blue.
There may be some unexpected event or revelation in the news in April 2012. Also, when Uranus/Pluto aspects his Cupido in June, his relations with friends and family will be altered forever.
No worries that this man will be entering the Oval Office. His path is one of proper use of compassion and life force energy andd this will more likely be found in a church or synogogue or even the Rick Santorum Forum, not in the office of "separation of church and state".
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