Saturday, August 8, 2015

Bombast = The Donald, Mark of an extreme Leo Rising

While Donald Trump speaks of change, he's looking to turn the clock backward, not forward. 

As a Gemini, he is capable of speaking out of two sides of his mouth in the same way that he can change party affiliations and political views.  Uranus conjunct his Sun does suggest unpredictability and an ability to work the media.

But where he really shines (in a light of self-reflection), is with his late degree Leo rising sign, arguably the most narcissistic point in the zodiac.  In keeping with his affinity for P.T. Barnum, he's a consummate showman and purveyor of schlock, even if dipped in goldplating.

Why this year, after many other threats to run?

His progressed Sun has now landed on his 29 Leo rising ascendent, former location of Regulus (the fixed star connected with royalty and leadership).   He probably feels a sense of destiny and he is right. This is his moment to show his true colors, whether for good or ill.

To be fair, with his Mercury/Venus/Saturn in Cancer, the Donald is a patriot, albeit of the old xenophobic variety.  He DOES care about this country, but like a low-minded Cancer, he is concerned about the security of his own tribe, not those of other races or cultures. 

Cancer is also connected to childhood and in this way, Donald is the big bully on the playground--name-calling, fronting but very thin-skinned when the criticism is turned back on him.  He is pure id and when things don't go his way, he rages or sulks.

He holds scriptedness as the devil, but just because he is authentic, doesn't mean he's right or morally on target.  He's just an authentic asshole.

This is definitely Trump's moment--as evidenced by his monopoly of the headlines.    Yes, he has been a king of empire building, self-promotion, entertainment, speculation, casinos (playgrounds for adults)--all in keeping with his boastful Leo ascendent.  And transitting Jupiter and Venus (both planets of excess and self-regard) are providing him visibility and a fan base.    

But with Saturn angling his progressed Sun/Ascendent combination June through next month, he must show some true strength of character or he will fall.  

His real karma may be to embody the worst of demagoguery and hubris of the last 80 years (Regulus in Leo) of self-advancement at the cost of the earth and other human beings and if so, he's the end of an era.   

We have just begun a new 100 year cycle (Regulus and Transpluto in Virgo) where in order to succeed, one must be willing to serve the greater good with modesty and humility.  

 His only chance longterm is to embody a kinder, gentler demeanor and since pig's don't fly,  it's probably a waste of time to slap on the lipstick.

By middle of September when Saturn moves into Sagittarius and Pluto turns direct,  Trump will most likely go from being a front-running Republican candidate to a former talent show contestant with a gilded garage filled with posters, hats and false flags.


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