Sunday, December 4, 2011

Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore--In the throes of Neptune

Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore had a marriage made in Neptune land.  Yes, they were truly in love for the time that Neptune (planet of romance, illusion, Hollywood, glamour) was aspecting their respective Suns and personal planets.  Ashton, an Aquarius with a Venus in Aquarius (an unexpected choice in a woman) and  Juno in Capricorn (older marriage partner), is a guy who goes his own way and with his feminine archetypes in the Saturn ruled signs of the high-cheek boned woman, she was an obvious choice for the time.  His fascination and total embrace of technology and social networking sites such as twitter are emblematic of his Aquarian stellium and despite the appearance of a goofball slacker, he is a very bright guy underneath it all (Mercury in Aquarius).

Demi is a Sun/Neptune in Scorpio woman so she falls in love with an image, a dream or a movie star.  And when she falls, she falls hard and is a loyal, albeit, possessive, partner (Venus in Scorpio).    Generally, men will disappear and disappoint her, starting with the original Sun/Neptune, the father.  (Our first experiences of the opposite sex are revealed in our chart configurations and unconsciously get played out until we realize re can "do" the aspect differently.)  Bruce Willis, a Pisces, also fit the Sun/Neptune signature. Her Mars/Uranus conjunction, the lover archetype, has an Aquarian flavor and would materialize as a man who is different from the norm.  It also can indicate a more alternative sexuality or interest in friends that are lovers that are friends.

Demi, the Scorpio, would be drawn to her fixed sign mate, but there would also be a push and pull (square aspects do that and require adjustment or choices).  With both having suns and planets in fixed signs, it is likely that there was a lot of friction in their marriage and that neither one would give an inch.

Classic astrology posits that you meet a person who represents the transit you are going through and both parties were experiencing the passage of Neptune aspecting their personal planets since the early 2000's.   This is an experience of seeing the soul in a person, but not realizing that the personality (and Demi would more likely agree now) is dressed like an asshole (Punk-d anyone?)  While there were obviously problems earlier (see below), the approaching Neptune station direct on Nov 9th brought the separation out into the open.

Yet to be fair, Ashton and Demi shared classic compatibility aspects.  His Sun falls on her Sun/Moon midpoint, a point that relates to the husband/significant other.  (Her ex-husband Bruce Willis' Venus also linked to that point). Both Ashton and Demi's respective Venus' (planet of love and affection) do connect, but in a square aspect.  Generally speaking, this means there is a real love connection between the two, but it is a love under difficult circumstances.  And when they show affection, they do so in different styles or ways the other doesn't always find easy and appealing.  Demi's Neptune squares Ashton's Sun so she doesn't see him clearly and this fits right into her natal Sun/Neptune placement of the elusive male figure.

Her Mars in Leo opposes his Sun/Moon and Venus placements, which will certainly breed a primal attraction that can also turn into emnity and fighting when the sexual sizzle dies down.  Ashton's Mars in Cancer connects to Demi's Sun and Venus in a lovely trine aspect so his desire for her is pretty easy going and magnanimous and not as prickly as her Mars connection.   He's also turned on to women who are motherly in their affection and yes, this is a rather Oedipal energy.  Ashton's Uranus strongly awakens all her personal planets so once again a very magnetic shock and awe attraction but one that could be on and off.  Relationship astrologers know that Uranus is present in "love at first sight" meetings, but does not guarantee longevity.  Hence, from this viewpoint, this relationship might have functioned better as a grand passion.

Despite Ashton's laissez faire attitude about the marriage and the affairs, he was deeply moved by Demi and this was a relationship that had real significance for him as almost all of her planets aspect his Vertex, fate point.  This always points to an important person in one's life and no matter the final outcome, one feels compelled to be with the person who connects to your chart in this very specific way.  But as an Aquarian, he was probably honest about his inability to remain faithful and that would have been very difficult for a monogamous, soul bonded Scorpian to accept.

 This was a relationship that neither party will really understand the purpose of until some time has passed.  Ashton's Sun falls in Demi's 12th house so this is a "spiritual" connection on some level and also indicates that his actual being/essence might undermine her personal direction.  Demi's Sun lands in Ashton's sixth house of service and from a cosmic perspective she is there to be of assistance to him.  This type of placement does not feel very equal or diva-like.  It also suggests that she would sacrifice herself and her health for him.

Despite the obvious comments that would be made due to age difference, in many ways, Demi HAD married her child.   There was a past-life mist overlay of reconnecting with a long-lost son, made evident through Ashton's Mercury conjuncting Demi's South node in Aquarius (a karmic significator).  He WAS her child at one point in previous incarnations and they were separated by trauma.  Generally, the South Node person (Demi) locks the planet person in (Ashton) and keeps them hooked until the South Node person (Demi) decides the relationship is finished.  It would definitely fall in her court to make the split official.

The composite (relationship) chart also bears this out.  There is a shared  imprint of loss around a child due to religion or cultural norms.  Many lifetimes of sacrificing oneself to an ideal (whether valid or false) have brought this couple together in this lifetime in order to create a real-time solid practical connection.  That was the imperative.  To some degree, they did oblige and became a high profile Hollywood power couple (composite Sun/Venus in Capricorn).  Yet, emotional issues around independence and self-assertion were at odds with the formidable establishment relationship picture.  Additionally, the notion of marriage in this chart is difficult with Saturn (planet of limitation, karma, hard work) linking to the Juno marriage planet.

They are/were a beautiful couple as attested to with Taurus rising and their embrace of Kaballah could be explained by  their joint Mercury in Sag (spiritual studies).

This chart was definitely implicated in terms of their split (from a timing perspective) as Pluto has been sitting on their composite Sun since 2009 squaring their Chiron/Moon combination (2010 til now) .  And the biggest heartbreak transit, Pluto to Venus, is occuring now which usually manifests as triangulation and psychological, emotional pain.  It is very difficult to recover from a Pluto Venus transit, and this is made worse with Pluto also squaring the emotional heart of the relationship (Moon in Aries, ruling the 4th house of home).  The desire for freedom and independence ultimately won (and would have to now with Uranus coming to transit their shared moon/home significator).

Demi's public announcement of the split occured with Saturn contacting their Vesta (home) squaring their MC/IC (public identity, happy home)  with a final resolution probably delivered next summer.

There were most likely problems in the marriage going as far back as 2008 and 2009 when eclipses rocked Kutcher's Sun/Moon/Venus/MC and Moore's Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon and Mars)beginning the shakeup of their dream life/nightmare.

A major turning point may have occured last summer June-August 2010 when a very powerful lunar eclipse amplified some very difficult Saturn/Pluto transits.  Saturn/Pluto was jarring everyone's chart from 2009 through 2010 in an attempt to destroy outmoded structures, thoughts and behaviors. While the story may have been played out in contemporary times, it actually had a resonance to decisions/choices/beliefs/events from 1982/83.  Yes, in the case of Demi, she would be reenacting  a storyline from when she was 20 or 21 years old!  This is more true of Demi than Ashton because her Mars/Venus midpoint (a romance significator) was affected.  Did she have an early first marriage?  What "pledge" did she make to herself then?  Last summer 2010 was one of those "I will never ever do this again in this lifetime" moment.  And for Ashton, it might have been about letting go of an inner archetype of the strict cold, "tough love" mother and/or reaction to a difficult event occuring in his life at the age of 4 1/2 or 5.

More recently, an ending eclipse last December 2010 affected all the personal angles of Demi's entire chart--career, home,self and partner (to be repeated again mid June 2011).  Likewise her chart experienced a beginning eclipse (or choice) centered around her marriage and home asteroids, Juno and Vesta on June 1, 2011.  To some degree her archetypes around relationships do include sacrifice andservice with the mothering archetype having a whiff of criticism and perfectionism (Ceres in Virgo).  This last asteroid relates to our food issues and in Virgo conjunct Uranus, bulimia can almost be a certainty.  A beginning eclipse on these latter planets could perhaps put an end to this pattern of self-abuse.

Ceres opposing Jupiter and Chiron, wounding around being a victim, lacking faith, dreams of a missing father all play into her Ceres, eating disorder placement.  Her self-esteem is definitely connected to her ability to seduce (Venus in Scorpio ruling her Taurus second house). Likewise, romance and children would add to a sense of accomplishment and self-worth.  Hence, a failed marriage would be a difficult proposition to stomach.

For both individual's sake, it'd be best to finalize any divorce settlements before Saturn moves into Demi's 8th house of shared resources next fall 2012.  Saturn in Scorpio in the 8th can point to difficulties arising from scorned sexual advances and the vengeful equating of sex with money and power.  This is an aspect of spiteful retaliation for sexual humiliation.

I don't know if Ms. Moore truthfully met someone as the gossip blogs attest, but as of her 49th birthday, there is a sense of another man and/or her coming into her own power. And very soon, by next summer, her life will be blessed with love and affection  She may actually become a grandmother as early as summer 2013. 

And Ashton, as much as he may be palling around with younger women, will probably still end up with a slightly older female if/when it comes to settling down again.  She will have to be different (Venus square Uranus) and also prominent in the world in some way (Venus in the 10th House).  But hopefully not in the January Jones or Brittany Murphy way, both previous paramours with probable mental health issues.  Likewise, in addition to his mature Ceres and Juno, mothering and wife-ing asteroids in the sign of serious Capricorn, with his Mars retrograde in Cancer, he may even need to reconnect with a woman from his karmic past (life) in a story similar to that enacted with Ms. Moore.

Inevitably, Kutcher's life would have been in upheaval as his Nodes of karma/dharma are now receiving Pluto (destroying an old imprint around self vs. other) and initiating a new cycle of co-equal relationships when Uranus contacts his North Node in Aries through 2012 and 2013. 

Hey, for a marriage that didn't look like it stood a chance and/or appeared to be a publicity stunt, the actuality was the Kutchers experienced a very sold and intense bond for many years.   They've had a pretty good run and when it was good, it was VERY very good, the stuff that dreams and Hollywood gossip columns are made of.


make another analysis please..this time for ashton kutcher and mila kunis

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