Well here we are on the verge of a mythologically significant year. While 2012 will no doubt be eventful, it may "disappoint" those who are looking for a total shift in consciousness OR the end of the world. These two extremes do not take into account the passage of time. While the astrology of 2012 is pretty fierce and DOES herald some major changes, underneath it all is the potential for understanding our roles in creating our lives and the world around us. In order to be conscious citizens of the world, we must focus first on our own development and become the beacons of change that light the way for greater and greater human
alignment. I do think this year will be unprecedented, but it will be just be the beginning for many new developments (and the breaking down of outmoded structures) that no longer serve us.
We start the year with a mix of Capricorn and Aquarius energies. This is fitting as the ruler of both these signs is Saturn (planet of three-dimensional reality). Yet, where Capricorn is more the old guard, Aquarius represents the new evolutionary impulse. Sometimes, because Aquarius has both Saturn and Uranus as its ruler, we will notice extreme behaviors and ideologies vying for supremacy in the Aquarian individual. She both resents and respects the status quo and depending on what side of the continuum she is on, the Aquarian woman can be a visionary or a rebel just for the sake of being contrary. (think Oprah on the one hand and Sarah Palin on the other).
Capricorn most benefits us when we use the energy to manifest ideas into material form and long-term structures. Capricorn restricts us when we feel overwhelmed by "shoulds" and guilts. This will be particularly evident when Mercury (planet of communication and thought) moves into Capricorn on Jan 9th. On the low end, Mercury in Capricorn can be depressive and stuck in limitation. In its higher form, Mercury in Capricorn understands how business works, how to maneuver in political arenas and shows strong powers of leadership. With Venus travelling through Aquarius as the month opens, we once again get the commingling of Saturn and Uranus so try to find ways to concretize more advanced, humanitarian ideals or bring your vision into a more solid and effective form.
As we hit mid-month, Venus (planet of love and values) will move into Pisces on Jan 15th and we will begin the journey of living out our dreams and/or illusions. Venus is putting her toe in the waters and as of next month, Neptune (her higher love) will be settling into the sign of its rulership for 14 years. Notice how your values and affections shift this month and try finding ways to merge the scientific and the spiritual in new ways. This will be the task coming up as the decade progresses.
Lastly, Mars (planet of sexuality, action, motivation) turns retrograde in Virgo for three months. Mars already entered the sign of details and fine-tuning last year and will stay in Virgo until July. Mars retrograde is notorious for bringing back old lovers, male cohorts, competitors, fellow activists. Decide who is most attuned to who you are now and either enjoy a lovely reunion or give yourself a high five for refusing to relive what is a dysfunctional situation. Use discernment, a Virgo word, in noticing who crosses your path as there may be a gem in the form of a soulmate, particularly in relation to the house activity in which this young man appears.
With all planets direct this month (including Jupiter, bringer of gifts) a lot can get accomplished so focus on the positive, the soul-growth opportunities, the enlivening parts of your experiences and disregard that which pulls you back to the past or to your more insecure self. She isn't even you any longer while your future self is coalesceing as we speak.
Happy New Year!
The focus is definitely on career this month and you should gain clarity on how close you are to accomplishing your goal of ruling the world. As always there are those who see you for the persona you're becoming and they know your potential, so if you are still harboring any doubts as to your abilities, give those fears the heave-ho. As much as you can thrive in corporate environments, there is a part of you that loves to escape into your own private world and you may choose to withdraw for some meditation and spiritual nourishment mid-month. A project or work relationship may run into a few snags, particularly around the 23rd. Whatever needs to be worked through will take until the summer to sort out. Not a problem as, in this case, fixing a minor detail yields magnificent results this fall.
While you are generally perceived as a sweet soul, your mental capacities are fairly sophisticated, albeit oftentimes too conservative for your own good. You may notice as the month progresses that you need to take charge of the thoughts you tell yourself and only focus on the ones that say you are up to the task of your own life. Some new opportunities seem to be lurking on the career horizon and they include technology, science, alternative therapies or art. If your work can somehow save the world, you're golden and you will meet people mid-month on who intuit what you say. More than most, an older lover is likely to return. If he/she has changed, you might want to give it another go. If not, keep your eyes open for someone who zaps open your heart--and it's karmic.
Similarly to Taurus, there is a seriousness and maturity that you don't often show others. Admittedly, you can project this onto partners to keep your light and flexible personality intact. Its true that you feel most comfortable when you can come and go and explore to your heart and mind's content. Yet, this month, it is likely that you will be feeling more like a grownup and one ready to commit, perhaps even out of duty and obligation. If circumstances have brought you to this place and you are feeling the higher love, it's your time to seal the deal. You may be experiencing some domestic unrest or antsiness. Use the energy to clean up your space or look for a new home that supports the new relationship scenario in your life.
Relationships have been difficult, profound, life-altering and possibly all of the above. This month you gain more clarity on why you needed to go through such upheaval. It IS about a higher love and not re-creating your role in the family system. Cancer oftentimes does not feel grownup enough to handle the
difficulties of adult life, but events have shown you to be highly resilient and still compassionate in your beliefs. It's okay to do things differently from how you were raised, in facts, it's mandatory to becoming a fully conscious individual. Your mind is going through a total reboot so allow yourself a muscular workout with your ideas and preconceptions and clear out those that are not healthy for you anymore.
Leo's dirty secret is that Virgo is your second house of self-esteem and Capricorn is your sixth house of work. In English this means that you are usually pretty hard on yourself and perfectionistic beyond belief. Additionally, you either appreciate the corporate world, or feel slighted, but you cannot escape noticing where you stand in the business hierarchy. You may gain some perspective and a new skill in communicating your appreciation for the status quo. Go back in time and see who affected your self-esteem in such a profound way--it seems to have its origin in a male figure or brother-type of relationship. But even while you're working through your "job history", leave room for love and frolicing as there are delightful opportunities in the romance department.
The universe has been forcing you to reexamine all your romantic relationships and ideas around creativity. You get a clue as to where to focus your attention and powers of manifestation. If you've created a new product or service, it gets a boost of growth hormone this spring. While love holds some sway, more of your energy is drawn toward reframing your personal story and recreating a new narrative and public profile. A lot of ideas can come from your co-workers or peers and their suggestions for marketing yourself are unconventional and social media-worthy. As an added bonus, this re-tooling may bring you the man or woman of your dreams.
Your family has been the main focus for the last several years and not in the most ideal manner. The mythology of your roots has been torn from your psyche and you are being forced to recreate a new foundation that is authentic and truly supportive. The way it was was NEVER the way it was supposed to be and at least you now know where all the self-criticism started. You are attracting new ideas and people who see your progressive and humanitarian side as well as everyday helpmates who appreciate the best in you. It may take a few more months of soul-searching to get to the bottom of your perfectionism and neuroses, but come the summer you will have healed lifetimes of pain and martyrdom.
Your relationship to your siblings and your childhood has been undergoing a major reconstruction. You start to get a clue as to how "oughts" and "shoulds" damaged your independence and thought process. You have a strong streak of freedom underneath it all and it's likely that you are finding peers and creative types that love your more alternative side. You need to fall in love with what you do, particularly your creative undertakings and this month, it will be kismet. You may also find that men from the past will be back in sight (or at least online) and it is likely one of them has returned to bring your vision to life.
It IS about the money and that is not a bad thing. In fact, it is time you put energy into building a strong financial foundation in your life. It's clear that you can speak to the people, even if you are ahead of your time. Blogging and writing are your forte and opportunities abound to receive recognition and praise for your ideas. In your deepy downs, you are in the mood for love and some salvation and the universe is willing to oblige. Pay attention to men who are supportive of your work because one of them could turn into more than a professional contact in the months ahead.
The changes will probably not be ending soon, but you are starting to understand how you can move into your new more authoritative role. Surprisingly, it doesn't involve anything too conservative or corporate. Yes, on the surface you may look like the company woman, but how you will make your money has more to do with ingenuity and future-oriented products. As your fellow earth signs, you can get too caught in form and forget that everything originates in the ethers or spiritual realm. A man or competitor from the past may challenge you to loosen up your thinking and figure out the best way to craft an idea that is useful to everyone.
We are all complicated beings and the same is true for you Aquarians. On the surface, you're the free spirit or zany one, but underneath you are usually rather conservative and status oriented. The cosmic energy is focussed on getting you to move into your rightful place as an innovator or visionary. And if you use your intuition, rather than your fear to suss out "the next thing", you will find that money comes more easily and with less effort. You are one of the luckier signs in the love and sex department as well as old lovers are very likely to be contacting you and begging for a second go-around. Here is perhaps where that hidden realism comes in handy. If that person has not changed or done any work on themselves, it is highly unlikely that you will get what you didn't get the first time around. Follow through only with the person who can walk their talk.
Even if you don't see yourself as a motivated person or corporate player, you do run with those in high places or grab the attention of powerful individuals. This month you may be offered a chance to bring your vision to a larger audience through a corporate sponsor. It sounds silly, but make sure to dress the part and if you need to, change your hairstyle or re-work your wardrobe because that little bit of effort may yield gigantic results. Don't be afraid to be different, in fact, that is your charm.Those who have known you before are dying to reconnect. You may decide that you would rather not unless they've cleaned up their act. Keep your antenna up for a new individual who is healthy and supportive and can make your life run more smoothly. He's the keeper!
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