While no one save Herman Cain and his alleged victims/consensual partners can know the real truth, a look at his birth chart highly suggests that he is guilty of sexual improprieties. Astrology 101-- A Sag Sun with Mercury (talking), Venus (loving) in the same sign of overdoing and overreaching is an obvious place to start. Add to that a Moon in Aries (me, me, me) ruling the solar 8th house of sexual activity, and a Mars in Leo (men with their sex drive planet in the sign of the king always thing they're better in bed than they are) and you're pretty certain that moderation and impulse control are not his strong points. Aries wants what it wants when it wants it and Leo thinks he deserves it.
Other incriminating "evidence" includes a Sun opposition Uranus (acting unpredictably, erratically--and definitely NOT a good aspect in a world leader) and a Venus square Neptune (idealization of women and money, attendant deception or disillusionment). Mars, Pluto can reveal power struggles with lovers or paramours. Saturn in Cancer in the 8th house shows a lack of early nurturing which get played out in the sexual or financial arena. In addition to overcompensation to make up for a childhood of poverty, there is also a real fear of intimacy in his relationships. (Doesn't mean he doesn't have sex--allegedly--but that he is not likely to reveal his true nature or show vulnerability in romantic or business scenarios. (Of course, if this is projected on to his marriage partner, as is common, his wife may not care for intimate relations with him and on some level, be "okay" with him straying and playing in the henhouse.)
And if the natal chart doesn't provide enough clues, a look at Herman Cain's progressions also reveal a man out of touch with reality. Neptune (planet of glamour, illusion, deception, confusion) has been conjoining his progressed Sun of 29 Aquarius (on the king start Regulus) for the last year suggesting someone with delusions of grandeur. When Neptune turned direct for the last time in Aquarius on Nov 9th, it would eventually reveal the lies and improprieties of the last 13 years and like clockwork Ginger White comes out of the woodwork!
His ruler Jupiter, by solar arc, is at the last degree of Sag and conjoins his Sagittarian South Node of hubris (past life significator). He has been a bullshitter for lifetimes and one who has imposed his version of the truth on others. This is evident in present times in his disregard for real facts and knowledge of international affairs. Likewise, the use of the race card and breeding of prejudice (Sagittarius) is an old tactic. Jupiter is justice and now is the time for the karmic chickens coming to roost. (I would venture to guess this fall from grace scenario is a relive situation and a huge soul growth opportunity for the Republican candidate).
Sun sextile Jupiter suggests a lucky person, a bit of an opportunist and a man with an ability to find his way out of a pinch at the last minute but this aspect is not that strong enough to counterbalance intense outerplanetary transits.
Case in point, Pluto (the planet of triangulation, destruction, soul correction) is now squaring his Mars/Venus midpoint (a romance significator) and this is a classic signature of triangulation and affairs coming to light (in anyone, not just a politician).
Are there likely to be more women? Absolutely, but as pundits have already pointed out, it doesn't really matter. The arrogance and indignation Cain has expressed show an old story of believing his own hype/lies and thinking he knows the truth. The North Node in Gemini points to a dharmic move to honor useful and practical information and to accept of a multiplicity of opinions. This is the direction his soul is meant to follow. It is also about treating people as equals rather than as subordinates. Another version in Christian parlance would be "You are your brother's keeper" vs. it's your fault that you don't have a job. There was likely a traumatic event concerning a sibling at the age of 14 that may have involved truth and lies and left a deep impression on him.
As has been true of many Sagittarians when Pluto transited their sign from 1995-2008, Herman Cain has had to face life and death and rebuild from scratch. Generally, one comes to a point of understanding of what is important in life as the imperative of a Pluto transit is to awaken one to where they are not in alignment.
The recent solar eclipse on Black Friday squared his solar arc nodes at 7 Pisces/Virgo and his progressed Venus/Mercury at 2 and 3 degrees Pisces, respectively, with news (Mercury) coming to light of a hidden woman (Venus). Also the transitting Venus/Pluto conjunction this week would also reveal where one has been out of integrity in their lives--sexually, emotionally, financially.
Herman Cain is poised to make an announcement any moment now but it is certain that when Mercury goes direct on December 13th, more information will be unearthed around his personal or professional life.
And whatever the fallout, Mr. Cain will be receiving Neptune opposing his Saturn/Neptune midpoint at 1 Virgo for about two years beginning next summer which may bring on physical, mental or emotional distress but also dissolve the need to be in control.
Likewise, Uranus to Neptune, ruler of the solar 4th house, presages a change in his home life or residence (2012 through 2013). Despite high hopes on Mr. Cain's part, it is not likely to be a move to Pennsylvania Avenue.
If we look at Astrology from a logical perspective, it makes sense that the energies of planets and constellations have some effect on earth and its inhabitants; that’s basic magnetic field stuff."
my astrological chart
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