Tuesday, January 3, 2012

December 2011 horoscopes

While temperatures have been falling, local and international events have been heating up! The ongoing transit of Uranus in Aries (this is just the first of seven years) is bringing forth surges for independence and liberty. We certainly see this in the world at large but this is also happening in our personal lives. Uranus stations direct on December 10th and whatever has been brewing underneath the surface is sure to erupt. While it may seem sudden, in truth, it has been a long-time in the making.
Try to handle the disruptions with grace as the fallout allows for new growth and opportunities. On the same day, we also experience a lunar eclipse in Gemini. This series is the bookend to events that began in September 2007 so note what has come round full circle or has reached it's culmination. Since it occurs on the Uranus station, this eclipse has more ballast and zip to it than normal.

Mercury turned retrograde on Thanksgiving and will move into forward motion on December 13th, in the sign of Sagittarius. As mentioned in last month's column, the Thanksgiving holidays were probably quite volatile but Mercury served to give voice to the the underlying family mythology and on whether these beliefs served you or not.
It is likely that they were somewhat naive at best, damning at worst. The three week period in between allowed us to find ways to expand into new terrain regarding our goals and larger purpose and this month, we can move forward with new inspiration.

Every seasonal solstice occurs on the World Axis and since 2008, has been setting off the Cardinal Cross of massive change and this December 23rd is no exception.
What you have been dismantling these last several years have cleared the decks for new developments and accomplishments, some of which will be more evident to you during the holidays.

Lastly, Jupiter in Taurus, a Santa-Claus if there ever were one, also moves forward on December 25th so expect to see your finances and projects expand and solidify in the early weeks in January 2012.

Happy holidays and blessings for a colorful New Year!


Yes, work may be slowing down for the holidays, but you are raring to go! You've realized that what you learned during childhood does not support your more international profile. You've got ideas you want to share with the world and people see you as a leader and community builder. You wanted to play in the big leagues and as 2012 approaches, you will realize that you are ready to walk through that door to a more expanded future. This future also includes a good dose of healthy self esteem and
more cash in the bank than you've had in years.


As an earth sign, you would think your desires would take center stage but it seems that your mind (and the words of your parents) have oftentimes gotten in the way of expressing your natural instincts. This was made patently clear at Thanksgiving and you realize that you don't want to believe in lack anymore or feel you have to do everything on your own. Because you've come into contact with your real self, you are able to strive higher and see clearer than before. Jupiter turning direct in your first house suggests taking every opportunity to meet those in power who are able to advance your goals. They believe in you and now you do too!


You may have changed your goals in recent months and this time you are on a clear path of individuation. This may involve a media or online presence and the eclipses have shown you who is in your corner and who is not. Listen to what partners say, but only those who are interested in your self-development. The others may simply be expressing your own old fears and inhibitions. You do have a guardian angel behind the scenes, he may have been snoozing these last few months, but once we reach the new year, you will be blessed with some fated introductions. One on them could include the man or woman of your dreams.


Either you or elements of your job have shifted and you are taking a more independent stance in your professional life. You may also have received a wakeup call concerning certain health or lifestyle concerns that have inhibited your energy and motivation. Sometimes we think it's better to dream small because it appears safer, but
there are individuals in your life that are pushing you beyond your limits. There is one significant other that is putting you through changes and then there is the
larger arena of your social networking that will support the goals of the new you.


Nothing like a real or metaphorical trip to get your juices flowing again. If you haven't left town yet, book those tickets soon because travel brings out the best in you.
Some of your earlier goals no longer move you and you've hopefully untangled your childhood fantasies from current more realistic desires. This does not mean to
scale back on your vision--in fact, the larger the better. There is an important man in your life right now who can promote your work as well as the corporate muscle and influence to improve your bank account. By taking a risk, you build a more secure future!


Sexual exploration becomes you. The normally reserved Virgo is no longer. When you get that the beliefs of your parents have held you back, you are able to unyolk yourself from the past and all their inhibitions and superstitions. You're a citizen of the world, not your insular community and expanding your reach opens up a wellspring of creativity. One of those might be a publication of some sort or an opportunity to do business overseas. Now is the time to take a risk in the bedroom and in the boardroom.


You realize that balance and strict equality are an impossibility as you've been dealing with some very erratic sorts lately. While they may seem discomfiting, they are there to teach you to stay in your center regardless of what's going on. Once again, religious conditioning comes into play, particularly around what is considered "right" in terms of relationship. Notice that your parents would have preferred to maintain the status quo rather than expand beyond their community. Thankfully, you've allowed some fresh energy into your life and bedroom and that will improve your finances as well.


You're going to have to learn to accept lifestyle changes with ease and equinamity because the next six years will see you switching jobs and work goals on a regular basis. You must learn that "reality" is fluid, not fixed. You may have to also decide which goals are yours and which are those of a partner or parent. Release other people's hold on your mind and come in contact with your inner authority. If you show the real you, you attract the partner who's worth their weight in gold.


You may have given up hope of ever falling in love again and recent years have supported that assumption. Well, times are changing and expect the unexpected when it comes to love, creativity and children over the next six years. Make sure you reframe your notion of partnerhood and choose to be the leader rather than the follower. You usually are the bigger person and don't like to get caught up in petty nonsense. And that does not only mean morally, but also financially as you are in the midst of a long cycle of financial gain. Once your ruler goes direct end of month, you move into one of the most fortunate periods of your life.


What's going on with all these crazy people in your life--your parents included? It may seem as if others are operating unpredictably, but they are simply reflecting the deep need for change and freedom that your soul craves. Once again, experiences from long ago, particularly adolesence, may have caused you to believe you weren't capable of making your own decisions. Well, you've got your own authority, which is prodigious, as well as the backup of the goddess to prove those old ideas wrong.
Abundance is your birthright and come January, there will be no shortage of money, love or inspiration in sight.


We know you are a free spirit, but you may have given up on ever being understood or being in the right time and place. That may have been true in the past but the next six years will show that you are a leader and in sync with important world developments. As the sign of the future, the past doesn't become you and hopefully events around Thanksgiving made perfectly clear your break with your roots. Connect to your own center and you connect to the motherlode of power. It doesn't hurt that you are sitting on a goldmine!


The soft outer appearance belies the steely fierceness which is your true essence. As with everyone, parental imprints were to blame for your not believing in yourself for so long. Hopefully, you were deemed the black sheep in the family which is a point of liberation from the patrilineal script. You've got a larger role to play in the world and finally your time has come. Speak your truth with confidence and grit and pay attention to the knocks on your door. There is someone highly placed who has high hopes and dreams for you and can make them happen over the next year.


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