Thursday, April 4, 2013

Kim Jong-un, A Serious Clown

I wish I could say otherwise, but North Korea's leader, Kim Jong-un although an emotional child, has a hardened heart and very long soul history of tyranny and abuse (South Node in Capricorn).
Yes he provides lots of fodder for late night television, but he is actually more of a threat than a laughingstock.   His astrological profile is that of a sociopath.    A Capricorn with Moon/Saturn in Scorpio,  he has a strong imprint around emotional neglect and betrayal and is very capable of nursing a wound or offense forever.  In fact he is very sensitive to any perceived slight and revenge is an automatic response.

Mercury, Venus and Mars in Aquarius suggest he can detach from human feelings and or justify personal actions in the context of some larger group vision.  He might convince himself that he is doing this for his people when in effect he is responding from a place of severe inner child wounding and insecurities over his masculinity.  Cold-heartedness, arrogance and a superiority complex, combined with a pretty sharp mind make him a dangerous character. (Aquarius as an archetype can mean "for the people" or "above the common man".)  And while Aquarius is proported to be visionary, with Uranus as it's ruler, it can simply mean unorthodox, contrary, radically conservative, INSANE.  (There is a genetic component to be taken into account as well).   Another public clown who shares this sign placement is Sarah Palin.  And like her, he is VERY capable of pulling the trigger, even with outmoded technology.

His Capricorn Sun suggests a strong ambition and will to power (he will not be completely toppled until Pluto conjoins his sun in 2016 or 2017).

Yet, it also looks as if at the age of 31 1/2 he suffers a huge setback.  Now, supposedly he was born in 1983, and hence this would occur in May of 2014.  But there conjecture that he may have been born one year earlier or later.  If this is the case, and he is already 31, then we might see some pushback to his outrageous actions in May of this year. 

Regardless of his actual age, it does appear that in 2013 there will be a major disruption to his homeland.  Does this mean war, rebellion, coup d-etat?

He has a baby face but the inner core of a old time psychopath.  (And he's smarter than he looks).  In fact he's been a tyrant/dictator/rebel in other lifetimes and delusions and fantasies have been his downfall.
He does require a spiritual soul-lift but current antics do not suggest he is anywhere near relinquishing the need for control.

I wish all he were was an actor and failed Photoshopper in Command, but this clown might just do the unthinkable to prove a delusion and imaginary point.

THE LAST LAUGH WOULD BE THAT THIS IS NOT HIS BIRTHDAY AT ALL AND THEN EVEN ASTROLOGERS WOULD BE DUPED.  For all our sakes let's hope that April's Fool's Day comes later this year with the announcement that this crisis was the quarter-life shenanigans of a cartoon despot who got carried away with an imaginary game of Command and Conquer. 


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