Top of the list is Newt Gingrich with narcissism, psychopathy and biopolar disorder wrapped in one chunky package. Mercury/Uranus in Gemini retrograde reflects ADD and an over-charged mind, but one who would change views (and lie) at the drop of a dollar. Saturn in Gemini in the 4th house would suggest a humble and chaotic upbringing, complete with a depressed mother and/or a situation of being shuttled from home to home as a youngster.
His Saturn in Gemini does show the classic tendency to overcompensate for an inner insecurity around words and knowledge, and hence, the strongly developed skills of speaking and teaching later in life. Saturn in Gemini, along with Uranus in Gemini ,are the joint rulers of Newt's Aquarius-rising chart and explains both the strong conservatism (Saturn) mixed with the extreme reactionary stance (Uranus).
(Another Aquarian influenced former Republican candidate, Sarah Palin, expresses some of these qualities, although not as successfully or adroitly as Mr. Gingrich).
The narcissism and overreaching are courtesy of a Sag MC (career point) and Sag Moon in the 10th house. While on its own, the Sag moon may be merely enthusiastic and proseltyzing, when it is squared by Neptune (planet of illusion and deception), his inner emotional makeup veers into the realm of demagoguery.
Not that we need to look at the moon for misappropriation of the truth. Gingrich's Gemini Sun (duality, and in it's low form, the sign of the liar and the opportunist) is also amplified and distorted by Neptune once again.
Juno in Capricorn in the 12th shows hidden partnerships with corporations and backers, many of which will end permanently come next summer.
Mr. Gingrich has his current temporary moment in the Sun with an beginning eclipse on his career house and progressed Virgo Sun but eventual health concerns may take him down. Pluto (god of destruction and retribution) is conjoining his progressed Cancer Moon, ruler of his sixth house while the aforementioned eclipse and another next May 2012 are contacting his progressed Mars and natal Uranus (ruler of his ascendent and body). On a silly note, Moon in Sag (sign of bigger and excess) rules Mr. Gingrich's body and hence this corpulent fellow will never be slim or, as Colin Quinn pointed out, look good in a suit. And on a metaphysical level, as Virgo deals with the mind/body connection, the Republican candidate may have to deal with the karmic fallout from his incendiary and willfully mendacious statements that have polluted the American media and the poisoned the unconscious minds of Republican party voters.
Mr. Gingrich may believe that he has made a mark in history with his party's shutdown down the of the U.S. government in 1995 and 1996 and while this event may appear in future textbooks, it may not be represented as the triumph that he perceives but rather as a shameful mark of egomaniacal aggression. But you only get lucky once. That, and that alone is all that will remain of this person's legacy once the current times have passed and his name and reputation will be incinerated in the annals of traitors and blowhards who self-imploded under their own destructive hubris.
Rick Perry, by contrast, is just a garden variety depressive and substance abuser and in that regard, he is more like the American everyman. Certainly his humble roots (Uranus in Cancer on World Axis) have been discussed in every speech and he truly does suffer from an inferiority complex as a Sun in Pisces opposition Saturn/Moon in Virgo. And whatever mental (as in speech information) problems he has are probably due more to an inadequate education than an innate lack of intelligence. He's actually a bright man with Mercury in Aquarius but his mind and hands may fire too rapidly and then fizzle or shut off (Jupiter in Aquarius with Mercury).
In addition to the Pisces Sun, Gov Perry is a Mars/Neptune in Libra on the South Node which means he is a rather codependent fellow and a dreamer (also the religion could be lumped in there too) and he's got to find a way to negotiate and yet still stand for something (Mars in Libra ruling the North Node in Aries). He has also probably lived quite a few lifetimes in Neptuneland, lost in romance, religion, martyrdom, or drink and drugs.
Candidate Perry will be experiencing some very radical changes in his life 2012-2013 when Pluto then Uranus aspect his Nodes of karma/dharma. The radical events of Uranus square Pluto may push Perry into a spokesperson role for the disenfranchised. It is yet to be seen which "dissed" group he will align with. While it might be apparent now that it would be Christian fundamentalists, he may find that he is turned away from the flock, particularly by those who embraced him as the prophet of the New Apostolic Reform movement. He HAS been a true spiritual seeker, but has alternately been nurtured and wounded by organized religion, Chiron/Ceres in Sagittarius. A moment of enlightenment might clarify once and for all the dark side of fundamentalism.
While initial viewings of Rick Perry had me reminiscing about the Martin Sheen character in Dead Zone, I have come to see him as a more likeable and less harmful human being than some of his more sociopathic counterparts. And, when out of the public eye and scrutiny of the Christian faithful, true to his Piscean roots, he's probably a fun, ribald guy who really knows how to get down and party.
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