Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Republican Candidates and Mental Illness, Pt 3

These columns have been in descending order of madness so hence we are left with discussing three relatively sane men competing for the Republican nomination--Mitt Romney, Ron Paul and Jon Huntsman. It cannot be lost on anyone (particularly as noted in New York magazine) that these guys are not "real" Republicans by virtue of not being totally off their rocker. In fact, their mad dog opponents accuse them of being middle of the road liberals because apparently now conservative is synonymous with insane.

Paul, the Libertarian, Romney, the capitalist and Huntsman, the bi-partisan office holder all possess a modicum of intelligence and grace under pressure that their fellow candidates have not displayed. I'll speak of the two current candidates Romney and Paul and address Huntsman in a later post as he has an interesting astrological connection to Obama which is worth exploring.

Mitt Romney is a Pisces with multiple planets in the sign of illusion and glamour trining a Moon/Jupiter conjunction in Scorpio. While it seems anathema in our Capricorn focused world that a water sign man would have so much success, water signs and Pisces specifically make up the ranks and files of millionaires and billionaires in this country. Water signs understand cycles and follow their intuition, knowing when to strike and when to fold. Scorpio Moon with Jupiter shows sure instincts when it comes to understanding people's psychology and what they will be willing to invest in, yet also a ruthlessness and ability to kill things off without regret. This Moon/Jupiter conjunction also accounts for his cojones (even tho we generally see the blundering Pisces, his ruler is in Scorpio and that is going to be someone who will come back from the dead over and over again). As with others in his age group, he has a Saturn Pluto in Leo conjunction which speaks to having grown up in post-war America and living under the emotional environment of suspicion of tyranny and powerful ego domination.

His nodes in Gemini/Sag point to previous lifetimes of power, some transformative, some coercive. And actually as much as pundits and opponents criticize him for changing his position and his mind, with his Mercury in Pisces ruling his North Node in Gemini, he probably does alter between expediency and compassion. Despite the dictates of winning a nomination in the Republican party, he ought to listen to that inner sensitivity and allow for a multiplicity of truths. Another way that his thoughts and actions may sometimes undermine him is due to the fact that his wishy washy Mars in Pisces squares his Nodes and has him waver. He actually needs to figure this out as this Mars is the skipped step in his evolutionary process of figuring out his life purpose. He must learn to err on the side of compassion.

There will be eclipses on his Mars on May 20th and an ending one on his Mercury in Pisces on 6/4/12. This latter eclipse reflects the culmination of events begun around 9/11 so we may find out more information about his business dealings at that time (or more health issues with his wife). Mercury ruling the solar seventh house of relationship and also affecting his wife's Saturn/Neptune midpoint, a health significator. Romney has been a devoted husband and father and he may be called upon again to choose his family over his career. (There are other possible indicators of relationship challenges as Saturn square his Sun/Moon midpoint and opposes his Vesta (home and family). And his black moon Lilith, which reflects rage of the patriarchy and repression of the feminine, will also be activated this spring.

Romney's life takes a fated turn in September and unfortunately I think he will be dealing with the aforementioned illness of his wife and attendant depression on his part and in this instance he will be playing out the role of sacrificial husband instead of delusional corporate booster.

His Juno in Capricorn showcases his own conservative marriage but also his partnerships with corporations and his stint at Bain and Co. In many ways, those relationships have been over for a while and will continue to decline as Pluto moves more deeply into Capricorn, plowing down his business associates and financial ventures. I wouldn't cry over lost investments because he has been no doubt savvy in stashing away cash, but his moment in the financial sun has now passed. In fact, the world he represents, the financial plutocracy, is also in major decline so while has benefited from his profession, future generations will not be following in his footsteps as that type of business climate will never return again. His American dream is no longer viable and this will be his downfall.

Save a propensity to greed and proselytizing about the benefits of capitalism, I can't really find an serious mental health problem with Romney. I guess simply his ability to believe and profit from this way of living does qualify him as delusional and sociopathic, but he is one who drank the Koolaid and it turned out to be Dom Perignon rather than cyanide.

Ron Paul, the eldest candidate in the bunch, has a good long life still ahead of him. He's passed through his second Saturn return and Neptune opposing his Sun to come out fighting. Like Romney, he has a couple of planets in Scorpio, Mars and Jupiter, which give him a strong dose of stamina. And he keeps coming back because this is the sign of regeneration. Moon in Taurus show a sense of groundedness and tenacity to values and whatever we think of his politics, he has been consistent and stable in his views (this is all the fixity of Leo, Scorpio and Taurus). He also has very little air in his chart which means that he lacks a certain objectivity, but once again, not a bad thing in a candidate if we are in agreement with his views.

Paul has had to work hard in his life and possibly overcome some wounding over a weak or alcoholic father and also came of age when the traditional family structure was ending. Born in the mid 1930's he has some vestige of that generations Uranus square Pluto so he is attuned to the language and energy of change. Hence he is probably the most well-adapted candidate to handle the social and political changes up ahead.

The Uranus square Pluto aspect in June and Sept falls directly on his solar arc Nodal axis so events this summer will have a direct effect on his life and destiny. With the North Node now in Aries, it may mean attempting to run a legitimate third party race, the first since John Anderson in .

Venus in Virgo shows a desire to serve, but also possibly a somewhat solitary relationship life, despite a wife of 52 years and a large family. Virgo energy needs alone time to recharge and also always remains single in some way. The fact that he is a Venus retrograde and will be experiencing this summer's widely heralded love aspect of Venus/Sun on HIS Venus, may provide him a lucky break and greater support in the mainstream should he stay true to his honest ideals and mission.

Saturn to Pluto is saying that some structures in his life are ending, but perhaps we can stretch a bit and say he is breaking through the traditional party system and shoring up his own position that upends the current hierarchy.

Despite having a strong effect on the dialogue of the election, It is highly unlikely that he will win the nomination and if that is the case, he may finally end his relationship with his wife. And yes, because of his Scorpio planets he can still go strong and there is a possibility he will meet a younger woman toward the end of 2013. Likewise, his Juno solar arc is contacting his progressed South Node and those kind of contacts indicate someone, generally a wife, leaving your life. And Uranus to progressed Mars, ruler of his 4th house, can suggest a separation from home and or awakening to new sexual experiences. He does get some beginning eclipses on his progressed Sun toward end of 2012 through 2013, so once again, a new lease on life and public identity.

The June 6th eclipse will take place on his Saturn/Neptune midpoint, a weak demagogic signature in his case due to its presence in Sag and so it is possible that similar to Romney, more news and information may come out about his newsletters and what he was propagating back in the early 2000's.

Paul may be the eldest, but he probably has the randiest chart of the group and barring social convention, he could father another child or begin a new family.

And because he's not a "real" Republican, I can't find any mental health issues save a tendency to be slightly OCD or critical and some probability of displaced anger from his childhood. So unlike the declining rageholics whose best days are behind them, Ron Paul may yet find his happiest and most fulfilling encounters yet to come.


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