Wednesday, December 12, 2012

2012 -- The Longterm Perspective

So 2012 is the year we've all been waiting for, but, of course, there will be a 2013, 2050 and 5400 A.D. 2012, may, in the end, either be a real marker or part of a mythology, not unlike Y2K, with it's false alarm end of world scenario. The big astrological event is Uranus Square Pluto, which, while a rarity in human recorded history, HAS happened before. It is what this aspect represents that has all the charge attached to it.

For many people, there is a sense that our world is falling apart and that we are ending a certain era of human development. The question that will arise is whether current and upcoming events are ultimately positive or negative in nature. We have to decide how wedded we are to disaster and end of days scenarios or conversely, utopian fantasies of universal global unity.

When we're not okay with where we are or what IS, we seek for things to be better "in the future" or place our hopes beyond our current reach. Conversely, the doomsday thinkers live in fear--of themselves and others making the right choices in moments of unpredictability. These are two sides of the same coin of future-tripping. In both cases, we are not taking responsibility for creating our personal reality in the NOW.

When you're in sync with your true self and with God, you are quietly confident that events will unfold that will continue to bring you joy and a sense of fulfillment, even in the midst of chaos. Additionally, you are confident you have the resources to take action when the situation requires courage, clarity of thought and right engagement.

Bottom line is--do you believe that the universe is ultimately a malevolent or a benevolent force--whatever you believe is what you will LIVE!

Perhaps part of the transformation we may undergo is truly coming to the realization of world as Maya--and it can be a beautiful dream or an horrific nightmare, based on our thoughts and beliefs. You direct the script as " all the world's a stage", written by one of mankind's most enlightened beings, William Shakespeare.

For the next few years, you may need to be of two worlds--present and future--to navigate the changes ahead. But one thing is for sure--living in the past is NOT an option! Because if the goal is to wake up, then the alarm bells are ringing!!!

There will be enough astrology to blow your socks off and your mind wide open in the next few years but in taking the long view, notice where you lose your perspective and get centered, remembering who you ARE. The toxic mists and destructive vectors of today can be transmuted into a beautiful world that cannot yet be imagined from our current level of mass consciousness. May the New Year exceed your wildest expectations!


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