Saturday, November 5, 2011

Modern World Paradigm, Astrology and Archetypes

Our current modern world paradigm has disengaged us from the enchantment of life.  Fragmented, deadened, cut off, we often don't connect with that which provides vitality and meaning.  In addition, when an event happens, those still living in consensus consciousness do not take responsibility for nor see that they have set up the reality they are experiencing.

This rationalist/deterministic philosophy of existence is alienating and disempowering. And it is clear that with multiple systems and governments and societies failing, it has now run its course as a dominant world view.

Yet, the universe reveals it magic and inner wisdom all the time, reflecting back to us that which we create.  And what is the language of the cosmos?  It is Astrology, which when practiced with integrity and alignment, is the most elegant and sophisticated tool for understanding the world and oneself.   It speaks to the many layers of existence, including our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual realms.  And it is as effective in providing us with an overarching view of our past as well as myriad potentials for our future. 

Astrology in its higher form is metaphysics in action and hence the laws of polarity, correspondence and attraction apply.   The system is akin to a four-dimensional chess game in which self, time, space and energy all intersect in a matrix that is vibrant and multidimensional.

A knowledge of astrological symbolism as it relates to one's birth chart  is invaluable in reconnecting us to our center, our power and our personal creativity. 
Time is cyclical and we tend to encounter similar themes throughout our lives that serve to redirect us back onto our paths.  We can lead a Groundhog Day kind of existence, which most people experience (same stories, different players) OR we can rewrite the script to forge a better outcome, one that is more commensurate with our soul's evolutionary desires.   This can be achieved by understanding our chosen templates (i.e birth chart, life script), noting the evolving cosmic climate and calibrating our actions and responses accordingly.

Jesus and Buddha and all spiritual leaders had birth charts too but at some point, as ascended beings, they were able to overcome the mundane elements of their horoscopes.  But even with these great masters,  we can track events and passages in their human existence.  They simply chose to live their chart from the highest level and that is open to us as well.  We can transcend our soul maps by flowing and expanding with planetary energies rather than resisting and shutting down the impetus to grow.

As humans evolve, the astrological symbols will evolve as well, yet their quintessential meaning will remain intact.  The archetypal symbols of astrology, i.e. the planets and signs,  are plastic and can expand beyond what we currently know and understand.   So forget what you ever believed about the efficacy or relevance of astrology to date. Particularly those forms that seal one's fate or limit one's potential. 

With Quantum Cosmology, we are seeking to move beyond current astrological paradigms and bring forth our divine essence as creators.   

 We are all parts of Source and our charts reveal how we express our particular flavor of existence.  By mastering and loving that which we ARE, we can revel in the dignity and divinity within.   And we get to play and co-create with the universe in expressing our unique style of being.  Quantum Cosmology shows the inherent blueprint and precise timing in which our individual awakening can occur.

In addition to our personal journeys we have all incarnated now to participate in current upcoming world events.  We have chosen to be here as we have ushered in new civilizations in the past or dealt with the dramatic transitional breaches between worlds.  This is what 2012 is all about--a dismantling of the current reality-- and we can reference past historical epochs to see that it will be dramatic and revolutionary.    It is not the end of the world, but the end of the world as we know it.


In terms of the cosmology, right now,we are all experiencing a once in our lifetime transit of Uranus (planet of innovation, brilliance, disruption and chaos)  in the sign of Aries (heat-seeking, new beginnings, instinctual drive for existence).   The last time the world experienced this transit was from 1927 to 1934 and even a cursory knowledge of history reveals it was an incendiary time with many paradigmatic shifts in culture, economics, politics, science and technology.

Uranus deals with the maverick, the pioneer, the brilliant breakthrough and in the sign of Aries, brings forth new birth in the form of many seeds.  As with all fire signs,
Aries is about beginning things so many thoughts and ideas will be seeded during this period, with only a few reaching full maturity.

We all have the energy of Aries somewhere in our charts and this is where we will be experiencing our own personal liberation and radical change.   The people of the middle east, Egypt, Tunisia, Libya and Bahrain are all expressing this on a social and political level in which there is a desire to liberate from tyranny and seek personal freedom.

We likewise are rebelling against our internal or external tyrannies, whether from an untenable living or work situation, relationship, concept, belief system, definition of self.  The Self can only stay silent for so long.

Another challenging manifestation of Uranus into Aries is the triple tragedy of the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear meltdown in Japan.  Previous earthquakes in this region coincided with Uranus transitting through Aries in 1927 and reach as far back as 900 A.D, which was the first documented earthquake on that island nation.  So, in the scheme of world events, this is nothing new, just the next evolution in the spiral.  Yet modern technology has brought more complexity to the story.

What may we expect to be the fallout from the Japanese crisis?  Radical events require dramatic change.  As Uranus deals with technology we may totally reconfigure and or/dismantle our nuclear and energy systems over the next decade.  The sacrifice of Japanese lives either directly or through radiation poisoning will force the world to rethink our policies and lies about separation.  We are all interrelated and that will become even more abundantly clear in the weeks and months ahead.

In addition, with Pluto in Capricorn, a 15-year transit that we are currently experiencing that relates to corporations and the abuse of power,  there is the issue of integrity within the Tepco organization as well as perhaps the colusion within the Japanese culture to not make waves.  I know this may sound provocative, but there is a shadow side to everything.  The orderliness and and extreme civility of Japanese society (they are the quintessential Libran nation, after all)  may come at a cost to individuality, life and resources.  And in the spirit of balance, the conformity may need to be overturned, particularly in light of the reawakened warrior spirit pervading all.

As mentioned, we will all be facing extreme odds in the Arian portion of our natal charts where we will be required to expand beyond our normal limitations.   Electricity and fire are meant to spark the higher mind and with Uranus in Aries there is the possibility of a more universally awakened consciousness on the planet.

The instinctual need to BE, is evident here and within this new cycle we may see the development of a more evolved species.  Yet, that will require, as mentioned earlier, a dismantling of the current reality construct.  And as we approach the notorious Uranus Pluto square of 2012 (which is SHOCK aspect if there ever was one)   we will need to be resourceful, flexible, courageous, and  driven in order to navigate the very exciting but destabilizing energy this aspect represents.   Basically, the upshot is take responsibility for creating your reality--or die.

The preceding pass of Uranus in Pisces from 2003 through 2011  reflected the chaos of our emotional climate and was reflected in the outer events of Thailand's 2004 tsunami, the devastation of hurricane Katrina and concluded with Japan's current disaster trifecta.   Throughout these last seven years,  we may have been dealing with submerged emotional patterns that ultimately overflowed and overwhelmed us like so many personal tsunamis.  We are not separate from the world and on an archetypal level, the severe weather patterns may be related to current denial of the depth and pain of the emotional body.

Fortunately, Chiron (planet of healing and the maverick) now moving into Pisces (sign of the collective unconscious) will more fully reveal the depth of our inner child wounding, but also provide the tools to re-set our emotional barometers.  We must take responsibility for the energy we generate, including our shadow material. 

A reigniting of spirit and new birth of self  are emblematic of the energy of the times.  We must begin to look at the whole of existence, not just its parts.  That is death--of the mind body and spirit.  There is an interplay forever going on and in observing the patterns of timing and energy, we can dance with and be in our totality.  Quantum Cosmology provides a magnificent yet subtle guide to navigating the terrain of our soul's journey.  And the immediate cosmic call to arms is to take leadership, first of our selves, and then out in the world.

The future begins now!

First aired on One World In Concert, March 26, 2011


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