Saturday, November 5, 2011

November 2011 horoscope

As we approach 2012, every month seems to get more intense!  Changes are occuring more rapidly and we are moving more swiftly into our proper roles.  On November 9th, Neptune (planet of dreams, creativity and spirituality) turns direct in Aquarius for the last time. Neptune has been in the the sign of Aquarius since 1998 and we have seen massive shifts in terms of communication, art, and the intersection of science and spirituality.  This month, we receive a final understanding and clarification around our own process with glamour, illusion and visioning.  On a mundane level, if we have been in the fog about certain issues (and this would be particularly true if you have the sun or personal planets in the late degrees of Aquarius, Leo, Taurus or Scorpio), you will receive a burst of clarity, as if you've awoken from a dream.  If you've been undecided about taking a certain action, the reasons and the means will now appear.

The motivation planet, Mars, moves into Virgo on the 12th and will stay in this sign through next June.  This is a very long time for fast-moving Mars to remain in one area of the zodiac and this is due to it turning retrograde in January.  Mars will ask us to purify or delineate our regular everyday practices and these include our diets, working conditions and movement.  Mars also deals with sexuality and it is here where we may notice how we have either used our sexuality indiscriminately or where we have been shut down (Virgo being the virgin or somewhat cold).  For those with a strong Virgo signature, be prepared to see men from the past return to your life.  This means not only exes of various sorts, but also the man you had your eye on in college or a stranger who feels totally familiar. 

Our regular friend Mercury once again turns retrograde on Thanksgiving, Nov 24th and remains in backward motion until mid December.  In the sign of Sagittarius, Mercury this go around will prompt us to reevaluate our beliefs and whether they are large enough to incorporate paradoxes and multi-layered thinking.  Sag is about the truth and fortunately or unfortunately, there will be a lot of arguments at your turkey day dinner with individuals perhaps being a bit dogmatic about their point of view. Notice where you may have absorbed a "should" or cultural belief that does not fit you anymore.  You'll be much clearer come the end of year holidays.

Lastly, Thanksgiving has more sparkle to it because, in addition to Mercury turning retrograde, we will experience a solar eclipse at 2 degrees Sagittarius.  We've already begun the cycle of Gemini/Sag eclipses this June and this is the second beginning eclipse in this sign pair.  Sagittarius is about visioning and a larger social purpose so wherever it falls in your chart is where you want to think big.  Foreign affairs and publishing are also natural areas that Sag overseas so depending on your particular chart placement, you may find you have a case of wanderlust.  It may be geographical or spiritual in nature, but adventure calls and you must answer with an open mind and heart.


If you haven't been certain about how your future is going to pan out, you get a very big wakeup on November 9th.  All of the years of preparation have brought you to this point and you do have a global agenda.  Television and media are a big component of your future identity and if there has been some confusion, it will dissipate this month.  Now, you've got to really make sure you are up to the task in terms of how you manage your life and your health and Mars in Virgo will prompt you to take the proper steps to get everything in tip top shape, including your body.  Make sure that your spiritual beliefs are up to date (you'll see where you differ from your family on the holiday) and be fearless in reaching high.  It is your birthright to shine your light and universal forces are definitely saying go!


Career identity may have been nebulous and sometimes it may have felt that you would never arrive at your destination.  Well, the clouds lift and you will see that you have landed on the right professional shore.  Now you can spend time on refining your creativity and attracting a playmate who will help you get your life in order.   One area that you might not mind revisiting is your sex life. There is a chance that an ex may return whether in person or dreams or via email.  You may find that your perceptions of him or her have changed and they themselves may be willing to admit their regrets.  What this presages is not necessarily getting involved again but does signal a new chapter in your love life and a potential new partner as the months progress.  Keep your eyes open for a multicultural charmer!


Geminis have been on quite a learning curve since 1995 and Neptune turning direct on the 9th will provide the final report card.  Your education and spiritual views have undergone a sea change and, while at times, the road was shaky, all is as it should be as you receive validation of your new perspective.  You may be motivated to set down roots now and be on the lookout for a new residence.  More than likely this will finalize next spring.  Meanwhile, the exes are coming out of the woodwork and may even text you at your family thanksgiving.  You and they can have a laugh at how you've grown.  As with Taurus, you have dynamic energy for partnership and, if single,
be prepared to be swept off your feet in the very near future.


You see more clearly the motivation of romantic or business partners, particularly after the 9th.  Financial affairs may have been confusing and if you are married, the money that your spouse makes has been spotty.  If you are single, you will be swamped with admirers the minute you leave your apartment and this will continue through next summer.  In the meantime, you still want to reframe your ideas of the perfect life and the perfect day.  You may have outgrown them and are ready to stretch your boundaries for what you think is possible.  This is great as should you be interested, a new chapter begins around work and finding your place in the larger scheme of
global events.

Leo's have had to deal with partners who have been missing in action for quite some time--either through physical or emotional distance.  This may also include addiction or health issues.  If you have been confused about a significant other's behavior, he or she will come clean this month.  Meanwhile you really want to get this money thing right and are prepared to work on promoting your talents with more diligence and structure.  Please leave time for play because whether new or old, there is definitely a love interest hovering in the distance.  You love travel, whether literally or metaphorically, and this month provides a new opportunity to satisfy this desire and you've got the next year to plan the trip of your life.


When I read for Virgos, I always mention the mind-body connect.  You may have been dealing with some nebulous health issues these last few years or
uncertainly around the efficacy of a job.  You'll gain a lot of clarity where there has been confusion.  Additionally, you have your mojo back so the next six months are times to take risks, assert oneself and begin grounding a new identity.  You may have to have a few conversations with your parents and how their cultural beliefs actually limited your potential.  You can notice this and move on.  It is now your time to create the home you want with a true sense of possibility and knowing that God has your back and she's not the God of your parents.


A lover or "friend" may have had you baffled these last few years as he/she has been unable to commit or reveal the extent of their feelings.  You will know front and center where they stand this month and it will either be a dream come true OR you will awaken from a bad nightmare.   Whatever pans out, the period was meant to get you to ask what you believe in and whether the Libran ideal of equal relationship is even possible.  Partly it's a way to hold yourself back or not commit to a real human partner with flaws.  The next six months will help you unearth your inner critic and perfectionist while reconnecting with siblings or friends will put the whole ordeal in perspective.
By thinking differently, you open up the chance for a new overseas opportunity or connection via writing or teaching.


Family has been a lost fantasy or a nightmare.  You are able to discern and disconnect from the psychic ties and will feel reborn.  You'd rather place your energy on your future goals and dreams and the next six months see you connecting to a larger world and one that wants to improve the conditions of all.  In the process, you may meet a future mate or build an online community.  It's time to reassess your worth and talents--think big, but not unrealistic--and follow your passions.  These, like Leo, may involve travel or overseas connections.  A new chapter in self-focus will actually bring you in contact with a potential long-term partner who doesn't believe in the word "limitation".


You realize that you have been dealing with siblings and friends who have been out to lunch.  You easily decide which is which and end certain associations and cultivate those worthy of your time and attention.  You need the energy for your career and many advances can take place in the next six months, provided you work smartly and healthily.  Rethink what you have to offer--you are enough--and reposition yourself from a place of authenticity and expansion.  It is a new chapter about you and yes, like Scorpio, by being yourself, you magnetize the perfect other to play with.


In addition to Pluto in your sign changing your entire life, you have also been dealing with Neptune in your second house of money and self-esteem.  It has been hard to be a Capricorn.  Yet, much is about to change if you've addressed your old emotional issues and you can awaken from the self-deprecating nightmare with a new sense of your value and visionary ability.  You are clearly focused on getting to the heart of the matter concerning how your beliefs were formed and you can pretty much sort out the threads of confusion and weave a new, more appropriate spiritual support system.  Some old fears of limitations remain and you will notice this in neon over the Thanksgiving holiday, meaning, you will know that they are inherited rather than inherent.  You're on your own and that's a great thing!


Who am I?  What am I here to do?  You have been wrestling with these questions for quite some time and/or decided to disengage from life and drift for awhile. You kind of come back into yourself this month and realize what all the wandering has been about.  You would like to make up for lost time and will find that a number of intimates are circling, interested in getting to know you better.  Time to revision your dreams and reconnect with some original visions of saving the world.  You can do it, it's what you've been created to do and over the next year, if open, you will meet the groups and individuals who want to team up with you.


You are naturally dreamy yet Neptune in your 12th has had you dealing with unexplained fears, particularly of being different or feeling ostracized.  You experience a "get" this month on how this thinking has held you back.  It was a necessary passage and allowed you to tweak your professional goals to actually include the healing and helping of others.  Some projects on the back burner come back full blown so decide which ones are now worth your time.  You are moving into a phase of strong career growth so only the biggest and the brightest for you!


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